Staff Bio

Tyler Bass

Social media & Communications Coordinator

Tyler was born in Mathews County and is a graduate of Regent University with a Bachelor’s in Communications. He has experience in journalism, photography, web design, and social media management. He was previously employed with the historic Gloucester-Mathews Gazette-Journal, where he work as a reported and web developer. As a reporter, he met countless individuals and shared their stories with readers each week. It was through his work as a reporter that he found his love for serving his community.

Tyler and his wife Bre, live in Williamsburg with their dog Maggie. They enjoy traveling and spending time with their family.

What’s the best part about working at the Chamber?
“I’m glad to be part of an awesome team that works to benefit the area.”

What was your first job?
“I was a bag boy at the now closed Best Value in Mathews. I worked there through high school and met a lot of interesting people.”

I love Williamsburg because…
“…I’m a big history nerd. I find the area fascinating.”